High Resolution, Small PackageData Acquisition BoardsHigh Accuracy, High Resolution, Small Package, Low Cost, Reliable Data Acquisition Boards0-200 PSIG AST Pressure Sensor and RTD Attached |
- Low cost of $70 per stuffed PC Board!
- Multiple PC Board designs
- Detailed documentation on all PC boards
- Hardware and software extensively tested
- Small PC Board Size: 1” x 3” and 1” x 2.25”
- Current Consumption: < 30 mA
- Operating Voltage Range: +11V to +36V
- Output: 4-20 mA, Voltage, RS-232, RS-485, and USB
- Inputs: analog, digital and bridge configurations
- ADC: 24 bits; ENOB: 17 bits
- DAC: 16 bits
- Operational Temperature Range: -40 °C to +85 °C
- Compensated Temperature Range: -40 °C to +85 °C
- Max Voltage/Current Output Rate: 0.84 ms
- Very fast output update rate
- Store information such as serial number and model on each PC Board
- Easy to use calibration interface that may control up to 254 units at once
- Very low board noise and hysteresis
- Re-zero/Re-span via hardware and software